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ATO warns of new tax scam
Be aware of emails, phone calls and text messages claiming to be from the ATO. A lot of scams are circulating during tax season,...

Instant Asset Write-off Expansion
The government announced plans for a six-month extension—to 31 December 2020—of the “instant” asset write-off provided as a relief for busin

JobKeeper Extension
JobKeeper extension The JobKeeper Payment scheme is a temporary subsidy for businesses significantly affected by coronavirus (COVID-19)....

EOFY Tax Strategies
Tax planning is about managing risks and appropriately manage your tax exposure. The end of the financial year is probably like any other...

Tax time 2020 is coming up: What you need to know
Doing your taxes might look a little different this year, so you might want to stay on top of all the key dates for the end of this...

Tax Information during Coronavirus Pandemic
Confronted with a worldwide emergency, the Australian Government has established a series of measures to help those who are experiencing...

Common Tax Return Mistakes
As tax return time is fast approaching, sorting out your finances during this can be complicated. Let us help you minimise the risk of...

Ways to improve your tax refund
Australians are always looking for ways to improve their refund and so we listed below on how you can improve your tax refund. Have proof...

Short-cut method for claiming home office running costs
Many of you are worried about whether you can claim home office running costs since the majority of the workforce are now forced to work...

Home Office Expenses
At these troubling times of coronavirus, we understand a majority of people will be working from home and with that imposes the question...

Child Care Subsidy
Family income We'll work out your Child Care Subsidy percentage using your family income estimate. Your Child Care Subsidy percentage is...

Lodging your first tax return
If you just started your first job using a tax file number or you just arrived in Australia for the first time and about to start work,...

Renting out all or part of your home
If you are considering renting out all or part of your house through a digital platform like AirBnB, Home Away and Flipkey you need to...

Employee Share Trust
On 18 September 2019, the ATO issued a new draft tax determination TD 2019/D8: it provides guidance in relation to the criteria that must...

Fringe Benefits Tax Guide
If you have a business in Australia, you will find the tax and employment laws here to be different. For example, the fringe benefits tax...

Using Self-Managed Superfunds to buy a property
It’s become more and more popular to purchase properties using a self-managed superfund. However, doing so requires mindful consideration...

Gifts and Donations
With all the crisis that has happened and is happening around the globe most people who aren't affected want to help by donating to...

Australian Bushfires-- here are the support resources available for you
As bushfires condition carry on across Australian regions, our thoughts are with all of the clients who are affected by this. We want to...

What deductions can you claim?
It is very important to know that you can claim some expenses as tax deductions and reduce your taxable income. We know you work hard for...

HECS Repayment Obligations When Living & Working Overseas
The Australian Government recently changed the laws regarding the Complusory HECS repayments, which you now need to report your income...
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