As bushfires condition carry on across Australian regions, our thoughts are with all of the clients who are affected by this. We want to let you know that you are not alone and we here to help you during this difficult time.
The professional accounting departments have begun initiating support for those who are affected by the ongoing bushfire crisis. The bushfires have been destructing across Australia since late 2019.
The ATO has granted automatic tax deferral for those who are affected, knowing that your priority is your family and community. Here are the postcodes that ATO has identified for deferral.
If you are affected but not on the list, you can call Emergency Support Infoline on1800 806 218 for assistance. In line with this, income tax, activity statement,
SMSF and FBT lodgements, and their associated payments, will be deferred
until 28 May 2020. The ATO listed different supports that are available to you such as:
helping you find your lost tax file number (TFN)
re-issuing income tax returns, activity statements, and notices of assessment
helping you re-construct tax records lost or damaged in the bushfire
fast track any refunds you are owed
setting up a payment plan
remit penalties or interest charged during the time you have been affected
by the bushfires.
Not only that, the Australian government offers counseling and additional mental health assistance to affected individuals, families and emergency workers affected by the bushfires. They will provide access to free mental health support sessions and Medicare rebates through GPs for counseling sessions with a mental health professional.
We want to help, we can.
Talk to us so we can work with you on how we can support you to manage your
tax affairs.